## Making contributions When submitting your pull requests, please do the following to make it easier to incorporate your changes: * Include unit and/or functional tests that validate changes you're making. * Run unit tests in the latest IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera and make sure they pass. * Rebase your changes onto origin/HEAD if you can do so cleanly. * If submitting additional functionality, provide an example of how to use it. * Please keep code style consistent with surrounding code. ## Testing There are a few ways to run tests: * You can run tests in PhantomJS by simply running `gradlew test` from your favorite shell. * Run tests with JSTestDriver using `gradlew jstd` * Point any browser to `≤project dir>/test/TestStacktrace.html` for unit tests * Point your browser to `≤project dir>/test/functional/index.html` for more real-world functional tests